Tessa Bösche

Event & Kommunikation

tsc tessa schulz communications
Tessa Bösche
Birkenweg 33 I 39343 Nordgermersleben
M: +49-(0)151 15339970
E: tessa@tessaboesche.de

Tessa Bösche

Event & Kommunikation

tsc tessa schulz communications
Tessa Bösche
Birkenweg 33 I 39343 Nordgermersleben
M: +49-(0)151 15339970
E: tessa@tessaboesche.de

Kia Ora – welcome to tessa schulz communications!

Are you looking for that one person to professionally organise your event? A partner by your side to help effectively implement your ideas?
You don’t have the time or contacts, to coordinate every part of a successful event by yourself?
Your looking for someone to contribute ideas, all the while keeping a keen eye on the budget?

Don’t worry anymore, TS Communications is your business partner for Project and event management: Right from the concept stage to the logistics and communication, even the culinary side of things will be taken care of. Your project will be in trustworthy hands. You only need to do the opening yourself, but don’t worry as the speech we will also provide you.

As a One women show I have a reliable network to call on including: Personnel, Artists, technicians, photographer, social media personnel, Graphics and web designers. And when it comes to your culinary needs I have the best partner available. As your event partner I will ensure the best suppliers are used for a successful event

We do all kinds of events big or small, private or business from Display openings, Conventions, Conferences, Road shows, Team events, Christmas parties, even weddings.

Event Management

Concept, Budget, Location Management, Implementation and communication.

Project Management

Coordination, Planning and scheduling, Moderation, Documentation and Final budget report.

Culinary Marketing

Culinary concept, Staging Culinary events, Fine Food & Street Food Actions, Dinner Events, Food Festivals.

And the Kiwi in the photo?

Stands for the Land at the other end of the world, which since 2001 I call my second home. It also stands for the number 8 wire mentality of the New Zealanders which I share. Also for Manaakitanga which translated from the Maori language means hospitality, Empathy, Sensitivity and willingness to help others.

The New Zealander identity is mirrored again in the Koru symbol, which is also in my logo.
Koru the unrolling silverfern, stands for new beginnings, life and hope.
Also in stressful situations, and times of crisis I keep a cool head and look with positive energy to the future.
I use this passion and calling and have for the last 10 years advised businesses from New Zealand and implemented their projects in Germany.